At Dinnington High School, we firmly believe that our students can and should follow an aspirational path in life which is based on their interests, so that they can engage in work which they enjoy. We are passionate about supporting them to investigate what direction they might take after finishing school as well as developing the excellent employability skills they will need in an increasingly competitive careers market.
At Dinnington we aim for all students to receive high quality careers education and guidance in order for our students to make informed decisions, understand the wealth of careers possibilities available to them, build key employability skills and see that there is a route to excellence in whatever they choose to do.
We provide careers guidance and advice on further education, training and employment across KS3, KS4 and post-16. We also involve many outside agencies to support our offer such as higher education providers and employers.
We provide independent careers, advice and guidance in a number of ways through Miss Williams, who is our independent, experienced careers advisor. We also ensure students have opportunities to visit and hear from a range of training providers about apprenticeships and college courses. Students also have the opportunity to meet a range of employers as well as attending careers fairs and work experience.
If you have any queries about careers education or higher education/employment please email:
Or call 01909 550066.
Alumni and Here to Help Volunteers
We warmly welcome connecting with our alumni and other members of our community who wish to support our school and students in any way. To register to be part of our Alumni and Here to Help volunteer network, please see the link below.
Careers Team

Mrs J Jones
Careers Lead
Has provided IAG to Y11-Y13 students for over 15 years. She also teaches Health and Social Care.
Qualifications and Contact
Mrs Rollinson
Careers and Aspirations Co-ordinator
Teacher of Business & Computing within the Applied Faculty at Dinnington High School.
Qualifications and ContactThe success of our Careers Team and Careers Programme can be measured in a number of ways. Through the year, and at the first LGB of each new year, we provide information to our Governing Body on:
- Number of students who are not in education, employment or training after Y11 or Y13 (NEETs)
- The range of Careers Opportunities that students have had access to including:
- `Trips & visits to careers fairs, employers, HE & FE providers
- Work experience
- Visitors into school from employers and other providers
- Careers information through Life, Guidance and Form Time
- Meetings with careers team/careers advisor
- How we compare to the Gatsby Benchmarks
- This information is reviewed each year with the LGB.
We also use the Compass Plus toolkit to assess our progress with our careers work.
Review of Careers Information Date: September 2022.
Careers Information for Parents
Parents/guardians are the main influencers on the career decisions of their children….(Barnes et al. 2020)
Ensuring your children are set up for the future with a successful career, financial security and a good quality of life is of utmost importance to parents. Your children will look to you for advice and guidance even if they don’t like to admit it!
If you have any questions you contact the careers team at or contact members of the team directly using the contact details available above.
Careers Information for Employers
Thank you for considering supporting Dinnington High School with their careers activities this year.
After a very challenging couple of years, it is more important than ever to excite and inspire oung learners about their next steps. As the Government does not provide schools and colleges with dedicated funding for careers provision, we cannot achieve this without your support and involvement!
Please indicate your interest in supporting our upcoming careers events. This will add you to our careers database so that the careers team at Dinnington High School, can get in touch nearer the time of each event to formally invite you and provide further information.
We would also be exceedingly grateful if you could send this information to any of your friends, family, and colleagues who may also be interested in getting involved.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Mrs Jones via Dinnington High School data protection policy can be found via the following link:
Careers Information Websites
General information about careers and jobs

Start is a free, online careers platform designed to connect 11-18 year olds with their future career potential. It combines the most comprehensive source of information with a personalised experience and career planning tools, helping students to make more informed decisions about their future study and career options, as well as developing their employability.
National Careers Service
Success at School
Sort your future – careers quiz
Provides a list of information about different opportunities based on your interests and likes.
South Yorkshire Shape Your Future Booklet
Useful resource for students and parents and staff to research and plan next steps. It provides reliable, accessible labour market information on employment sectors in South Yorkshire.
The Spartan Test
A personality test that provides suggestions for Higher Education and Careers
The universal destinations platform
Specific support for parents
Careermag for parents
Barclays Life Skills for families
The Good Schools Guide-Careers
Qualifications Explained
Further Education
At the end of Key Stage 4 (years 10 and 11), each child will be asked to choose their next stage in compulsory education – key stage 5. They will need to consider whether they should be doing A levels, Applied General Qualifications or an Apprenticeship. The following websites will help with researching the various options:
Dinnington High School Sixth Form Information
Learn about the sixth from offering here at Dinnington High School
A-level choices
Six things you need to know before making A-level choices
Informed choices (Russell Group)
A really good website for helping students choose the right A-levels if they plan to go on to University.
Vocational Qualifications-careers pilot
Further education colleges in the UK
T-levels-new up to date information
What is an apprenticeship?
Amazing Apprenticeships – Parent Packs
Information about a huge range of apprenticeships
Find apprenticeships, college courses and work experience.
South Yorkshire Region Education and Careers
Info on apprenticeships and careers in Health and Social care in the South Yorkshire regions.
Voluntary work and work experience opportunities
National Citizens Service
Website aimed at young people to make a difference in their local community.
Voluntary Action Rotherham
Volunteering opportunities in the Rotherham area.
Sheffield Volunteer Centre
Higher Education
At the end of Key Stage 5 (Years 12 and 13), each child will need to decide what their next step in life is-this could be going to university, undertaking an apprenticeship, looking for paid employment or taking a gap year.
Advice and guidance from the website for researching and applying to university courses
To Go or Not to Go-Hepp Guide to Higher Education
Booklet created by the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam with tips and information to help you and your child start exploring and understanding their options.
Save the student-guide to student finance
Useful information on applications, funding, accommodation and career goals.
Student loans-mythbusting (Martin Lewis-MoneySavingExpert)
Prospects-What can I do with my degree?
Provides great guidance on what you can do with specific University courses.
Apprenticeships and Employment after 6th form
Higher and degree apprenticeships factsheet
UCAS-Higher and Degree Apprenticeships Guide
UCAS – Career Finder
AMRC apprenticeship vacancies
Engineering apprenticeships from the University of Sheffield AMRC Training Centre