Transition Portal

We would like to extend a warm welcome to you from the transition team. Over the last year we have worked hard to provide a transition package for our prospective students. This is a continuous cycle throughout the year, where our team extends the core values of Dinnington High School by ensuring that everything we do is child centered.

We value ourselves on progress both academically and personally following our key values: Resilience, respect and responsibility. We work hard to ensure that our students achieve their full potential during their time at our school. Driving progression and focus to push students to be the best in Rotherham.

Our head teacher, Mrs Wade is very excited to welcome you to the Dinnington High School community.   Our progress focused, child centred school is welcoming and warm, with staff that are focussed on the development of students. Last year we were the most improved school in Rotherham. Students will leave Dinnington High School with great academic outcomes and the ability to contribute positively to society.

We fully understand that the transition from primary school to secondary school can be an exciting, but apprehensive time and to ensure you are as fully prepared as possible, we plan to ensure all Year 6 students can access a bespoke transition.  Throughout the year we provide events that will allow students to explore a range of support available to both you and your child. 

Our transition package includes:

Student assemblies

  • Our transition team hosts valuable assemblies at the beginning of the year to allow year 5 and year 6 students to have the opportunity to ask questions to key members of the transition team.

Parent Q & A sessions

  • These sessions are hosted in Primary schools and allow parents/carers and students to gain vital information and ask questions. These are held during September and October.

Tour and taster session with the Transition Leads

  • All year 5 students will have the opportunity to visit Dinnington High School during the school day. This will be arranged between your child’s primary school and Dinnington High School.
  • All year 6 feeder students will have the opportunity to visit Dinnington High School during the school day. This will be arranged between your child primary school and Dinnington High School.

Enhanced transition session for identified students

  • Identified students and families will be made aware of the arrangements for these sessions. A letter will be provided to the students that are invited to an enhanced transition session.
  • Enhanced transition 1 – Wednesday 12th March – Morning 9-10.30am (Students only)
  • Enhanced transition 2 –Wednesday 26th March- Morning 9-10.30am (Students only)
  • Enhanced transition 3 – Wednesday 21st May – Afternoon- 2- 3.30pm (Students only)
  • Enhanced transition 4 – Wednesday 25th June – Afternoon – 2-3.30pm (Students only)

Coffee morning – Wednesday 23rd April – 9-10am (Parents/Carers and Students)

  • A coffee morning for students and their Parents/Carers.  This will be an opportunity to meet the SEND intervention leaders.  Your child will have the chance to meet the team and experience the department.  Parents/Carers will have the opportunity to spend time with the team and engage in personalised discussions. 

SLT meetings – 9-13th July 2025

  • A member of the SLT team from Dinnington High School will be in residence at feeder primary schools throughout this week. You will be contacted directly by a member of the Dinnington High school team where you can choose a preferred time from the allocated slots. These meetings are intended to allow parents and carers to discuss their child and express any concerns.

Meet the tutor evening – 10th July 2025 – 4-6pm

  • An evening of welcome and getting to know you, with the head teacher and tutors. Your allocated time will be shared in June.

Transition afternoons -14th –18th July

  • Throughout this week students from feeder schools will be given the opportunity to spend an afternoon at Dinnington High School, sharing in the core values and understanding of the day.

Three-day transition to Dinnington High School – Monday 21st July- Wednesday 23rd July 2025.

  • Students will be fully immersed into Dinnington High School, where they will integrate into the life of a secondary school student. Information will be shared with primary schools and parent/carers.

Transition events

  • Throughout the year we host multiple transition events from movie nights to sports camps. These allow students to embrace the surroundings of Dinnington High School, meet new people and get to know staff. These can be found on our social media.

We would encourage you to keep in touch with us via our school social media pages where you will get a glimpse of the daily on-goings of our school, key dates for transition events and answers to FAQs.  If you have any specific queries which have not been answered, please contact our Transition Leads, Mrs Parker and Mr Kay, on the email address provided below. 

Transition team

SEND team

Social media

  • Facebook – Dinnington High School Transition 2024
  • Twitter/X – @TransitionDHSCH

Thank you for choosing Dinnington High School for your child. We look forward to welcoming you and your child to the Dinnington High School and sharing the exciting journey.

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