The Life team delivers bespoke progressive lessons through a comprehensive scheme of learning taught by highly skilled and trained staff, who are dedicated and approachable experienced teachers. The lessons bring together Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, emotional wellbeing, social skills, careers information and guidance, British values, RE, sex and relationship education all taught in a safe, empathic environment with particular emprises on personal safety and safeguarding paramount at all times.
We are extremely proud and privileged to work extensively with outside agencies and experts such as Barnardos, The Amy Winehouse Foundation, #RETHINKCANCER, Safe@last, British Red Cross, South Yorkshire Police, Syeda, together with theatre groups which supplement and enhance our curriculum with real life people, experiencing real life issues.
Our cohesive vision which holds children at its heart, helps students at DHS understand and value who they are and how they fit and contribute to the school, wider community and the world, leaving DHS to continue on their life journey with ‘character’, ‘resilience’ and ‘grit’.