We offer a wide range of both weekly and ad-hoc extra curricular activities.
Weekly Activities
- Wide range of sporting activities
- Science, Tech, Engineering & Maths club
- Reading/library club
- Specialist interest clubs such as Harry Potter, Warhammer, Crafts
- Extended art & photography club
- Drama and performance club
- Clubs linked to trips such as Sports Tour, Performing Arts to Barcelona
- Period 6 intervention sessions for exam year groups

Other Opportunities
- Ski trip for Y8 & 9
- Duke of Edinburgh scheme
- Trips linked to subjects such as:
- geography trips varying from the Yorkshire Coast to Sorrento,
- MFL trips to France and Spain,
- art & photography trips to places ranging from London and the Yorkshire Sculpture Park to the coast and Sheffield
- University trips and in-school university challenge days
- Visits to range of work-places including hospitals, primary schools, care homes, local businesses
- Careers events
- Rewards trips
- Drop-down days in school covering areas such as business and enterprise to how to stay safe
- Start a heart and first-aid training
Activities Timetable