Curriculum Statement

Vision and aims

We firmly believe that all children, irrespective of their starting point, are entitled to a rich and balanced curriculum. To that end, we offer within all our Trust schools an innovative and knowledge rich curriculum, which enables all students within our academies to fulfil their potential and develop the all-important skills and qualities, which will serve them well in later life.

Our curriculum ensures that by the time children leave school they have a secure knowledge and understanding of challenging vocabulary and essential concepts in order for them to succeed academically and be well prepared for adult life.

We aim to improve the life chances and experiences of every student, and we therefore value the contribution that creative, practical and vocational learning brings to a student’s personal development, alongside traditional subjects.

We seek to provide students with the knowledge, skills, appreciation and confidence to perceive, interpret and shape the world around them, so that they can play a full and active part in their local community and beyond

School and Trust leaders have carefully selected curriculum content to ensure coherence, depth and breadth of what is being taught, to ensure that our Trust successfully addresses the local context of each school.

Personalisation through Grouping

As part of our commitment to ensuring that every student has the best possible chance of success, we personalise the learning provision for every student in the core subjects of English, maths and science by placing each student in a learning group that is appropriate to their ability. Every student will be stretched, challenged and supported through this personalisation of the curriculum.


Students are provided with opportunities to add depth to their learning and develop personal skills through a rich and varied enrichment programme. This includes support for information advice and guidance related to careers education to help them work towards future pathways.

Students will have the chance to enjoy new experiences and consolidate their timetabled learning through this programme.

Academic Progression

Year 7, 8 and 9

During Years 7 to 9, students will study a broad and balanced curriculum which includes the core subjects: English, maths and science, life (PSHE), religious studies and PE. As well as the EBacc subjects: geography, history, and a modern foreign language. Students will also study a range of expressive arts subjects, ICT & computing, and technology subjects.

Their studies ensure that they cover a curriculum at least as broad and ambitious as the National Curriculum.

During Year 8, students can select two foundation option subjects to study from Year 9 potentially to the end of Year 11. They select from: art, childcare, construction, engineering, health and social care, media, PE, performing arts, photography, religious studies, sociology, sport. Students have a guided and informative process to help them choose what they want to study in more depth having covered the KS3 National Curriculum for these subjects by the end of Y8. Students have an open choice.

During Year 9, students will also have an opportunity to complete the ‘Learn a New Skill’ part of the Duke of Edinburgh award during curriculum time as we are a Duke of Edinburgh hub school. The Year 9 core PE curriculum will also support the Duke of Edinburgh programme.

Years 10, and 11

Our Key Stage 4 curriculum is run over Years 10 and 11. During Year 9, all students will choose at least once EBacc subject out of geography, history and modern foreign languages to study until the end of Year 11. Students will also have the opportunity to swap one of their Foundation Option choices from Year 9 for an additional EBacc subject.

Post 16

Our Post-16 curriculum offers a wide range of opportunities including academic and technical/applied courses to ensure students have positive pathways into Post-18 education/training/careers.

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