

All pupils have access to a free breakfast each morning which is available in the New Building upon entry into school. We do ask that all discarded food/ napkins go into the bins to ensure the school remains free from litter.


A wide range of snacks are served during break time and an excellent variety of meals are served in the dining rooms at lunchtime. Food is served in the three dining rooms and students are allocated time for eating and playing within their lunch time. For Health and Safety reasons, students are not allowed to bring hot food into school which has not been cooked in the school’s kitchen.

We are increasingly introducing healthy options to the choices of food on offer. (Details are available on request). The school’s policy is that all Year 7 to 11 students remain on site at lunchtimes.

The school operates a cashless biometric catering system. Students access their catering account using their thumb or finger. The system does not keep images of finger prints and uses strong industry leading encryption techniques for added security. Students are able to bring packed lunches from home and can eat these alongside their friends who may have purchased food from the cafeterias.

Canteen Tariffs and Menus

Deli Kitchen


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