In September 2023 the school will have 210 places for our new intake of Y7 students. Dinnington High School observes the Local Authority (L.A.) scheme of Admissions. Outlined below is a summary of the Local Authority policy on admissions.
A complete version of the policy can be obtained from the Education Department in Rotherham (Tel: 01709 382121 – main switchboard). Parents have the right under law to express a preference for a particular secondary school for their child. Information about each school is available in each school’s prospectus which is published annually.
You will receive a booklet from the L.A. about transfer to secondary education. It is vital that you use the form in that document to indicate your preferred secondary school. This applies equally for your catchment area school or some other secondary school. Ensure your choice is sent back to the L.A. by the date indicated on the document.
Admission forms can be obtained from the Education Office, Riverside House (Tel: 01709 382121 – main switchboard).
An online application is available from the Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (RMBC) website as well as downloadable supporting documents.
If you missed the deadline for submitting your school preference, please use the RMBC enquiries form about admissions which is available here: Make a school admissions enquiry – Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council – Make a school admissions enquiry – Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
The school’s admissions senior lead from September 2022 is Ms T Noone, Assistant Principal. If you have an admissions enquiry, please email:
If you have an enquiry about the transition from Y6 to Y7 or wish to arrange a visit, please email our Transition Lead: Ms J Perkins, Head of Achieve
See the Admissions Policy on the NCLT Website.